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Europe's diversity festival of the year Black Tech Fest returns as a 3-day in-person and online experience that brings together Leaders, Creators, and Change Makers to create access and opportunities...

HowTheLightGetsIn 2022 - Volunteer Opportunity

HowTheLightGetsIn London 2022 is taking place on the glorious grounds of Kenwood House in Hampstead Heath on September 17th/18th. It's an invaluable experience for any student looking to gain...

Amazon Devices Careers Day 2nd September 2022

Amazon Devices is hosting it’s hosting a in-person and virtual career day, it’s first in Europe. The career day will highlight what our leadership principals are what they mean to employees and...

LinkedIn’s WomenConnect Virtual Event 28th July

LinkedIn is hosting its 29th WomenConnect virtual event on Thursday, July 28th from 16:00-17:00 Irish Standard Time. Hear from some of our WIT Leaders and allies about Work-Life Balance in the New...