Are you…

  • Aged 18+?
  • Living in Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick District, North Warwickshire?
  • Unemployed but not claiming any benefits?

You may be thinking…is it important to understand how to successfully set goals for the future, find a job, start a qualification, or enter education?

If you want to start learning or get a job, then SWITCH is the course for you.

What is SWITCH?

SWITCH is a short, fun, online course which helps switch your mindset from “can’t do” to “can do”! SWITCH aims to help you gain employment, enter education, or complete training.

SWITCH is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.

The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22 that aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK through pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment.

WISE Ability has a contract with Warwickshire County Council to deliver SWITCH in Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick District and North Warwickshire.

Why should I sign up?

Thinking drives every aspect of our lives.

The way you think affects your ability to set and achieve goals.

WISE Ability think there are ways SWITCH can help you achieve your goals.

SWITCH trains participants how to think about thinking – how thinking works and what you can do to improve your thinking skills for learning and earning.

We introduce an intervention that applies cognitive training (a gym for your brain) to help increase thinking skills (e.g., memory, paying attention, planning, prioritising and problem-solving skills).

By using cognitive training to improve your cognitive skills we help you to be consciously aware of how you can alter the way you think to make it easier to set and achieve your goals.

Some of our successful participants have used these strategies to:

  • Improve work skills such as completing a Certificate in Construction/Maintenance Operations
  • Improve communication skills – effective communication is important to our success at work and home
  • Overcome challenges and develop strategies for effective learning
  • Strengthen commitment to achieve a healthy weight
  • Obtain fulfilling employment

The possibilities are endless.

What skills will I develop?

We help employers recruit the right staff for their business, at no charge. Our skilled staff quickly match candidates to your needs and provide employment support so that your business can continue to be efficient and productive.

SWITCH can help you achieve a lasting change to better cope with potential obstacles in difficult situations such as interviews, as well as strategies to think about thinking so that, ultimately, you can achieve your goals in employment, education, or training.

How you think matters

Our work in this area of cognitive training and extensive studies show that cognitive training has close connections to increased self-belief, confidence, ability to create clear goals, learn more effectively, develop coping strategies, job searching, and work success. Also, everyday tasks can be easier to achieve and more manageable.

The vast majority of SWITCH activities may take place online, with Trainers, in a workshop space. SWITCH activities are combined with group and one-to-one support allowing you to acquire a toolkit of strategies for positive momentum into education, training, or employment.

SWITCH participants can work at their own pace.

If you don’t have any IT equipment, don’t worry, there will be SWITCH courses delivered in your local community.

What will I receive on completion?

We will help you to find a job, start a qualification or enter education i.e., college. SWITCH will open up your skills for thinking about thinking so the next time you are faced with a challenge you can overcome it and move ahead.

How long is the course?

We deliver a set of engaging training and education activities, up to 9.5 hours per week for four weeks.

If you or anyone you know would like more information on our SWITCH project, please call the SWITCH telephone number 0300 303 3800 – Option 2 for Warwickshire or register your interest as a participant here.