Come along and find out more about PhD projects on offer at Plymouth Marine Laboratory

This PhD Open Day is open to all prospective PhD students and will be an opportunity to hear about PhD research projects available at PML, meet with supervisors, current students and to join in on a tour of the facilities. This event will be hosted both on site and virtually (Zoom), using our new hybrid conferencing facilities.

Please register by, Suzanne Hawkins, specifying whether you will attend in person, or join virtually.

Schedule on Wednesday 17 November

13.00 Arrival and registration13.10 Welcome from Head of Postgraduate Studies at PML, Dr Ruth Airs

13.15 Introduction to PML – Prof. Steve Widdicombe, Director of Science
13.30 PML Lead Supervisors introduce PhD topics

14.30 Short Break

14:40 The application process for different Doctoral Training Partnerships

15:00 An opportunity to hear more detail about PhD projects of interest and meet supervisors – in plenary.

Tours with current students and coffee running concurrently

17:00 Conclusions with Dr Ruth Airs

17:05 End