Our firm is hosting a new series of free webinars: BEEN THERE, DONE THAT: Career Advice from Consultants where we will be speaking to experienced consultants fortnightly to find out more about why they joined, their time in consulting, and how it has shaped their careers.

For our first webinar, we are joined by Bernd Waltermann, who is a Senior Partner Emeritus at BCG. Bernd has more than 30 years of experience at BCG, and has served in multiple leadership and management positions, including Regional Head for South-East Asia. 

Date: Monday 22nd February 2021
Time: 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm (GMT+8)


Upcoming Webinar Schedule :

WEBINAR #2: From Consulting to Startups: A chat with Neels Steyn & Benety Liew

9 March 2021 (9pm - 10pm GMT+8): Sign up here

WEBINAR #3: From Consulting to Public Service: A chat with Sanjaya Mohottala

23 March 2021 (9pm - 10pm GMT+8): Sign up here

WEBINAR #4: Unusual backgrounds in Consulting: A chat with Jack Fuller & Lars Mariero

6 April 2021 (9pm - 10pm GMT+8): Sign up here

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