Ingenuity 2020 is a nationwide challenge that uses enterprise to tackle the UK’s biggest social and environmental issues. Specifically, Ingenuity participants tackle these challenges:

Watch an Introduction to Ingenuity video here.

4 Themes

What does Ingenuity 2020 offer for your early-stage project/start-up/social enterprise?

  • Stimulating process to refine your solution
  • Mentoring from business development specialists/experts in the challenge areas
  • Notable amounts of investment and support (> £400,000)

Apply here ( before the Ingenuity Application Deadline 20.11.2020.

If you are not too sure whether your idea/project/start-up/social enterprise fits into the Ingenuity 2020 challenge, feel free to get in touch for an informal consultation with Warwick Enterprise (Debbie Smith -; Johannes Pittgens -