Majedie Asset Management is committed to hiring the brightest and the best to join its team of experienced equity investors. Women are under represented in the investment world: it is an industry wide challenge to attract more women to investment roles and build a pipeline of future investment leaders. As part of Majedie’s wider outreach efforts we are running an investment competition, aimed at women, to kindle more interest in asset management careers. 

What is on offer?

The opportunity for up to three teams of women undergraduates to learn the nitty gritty of equity investing, overseen by industry experts. Each team will construct a portfolio to invest a notional £25,000 into listed equities and trade on their portfolio as they see fit.

The three teams selected will receive:

• Training workshops on stock selection, portfolio construction, and financial modelling

• Training workshops on ESG integration into the investment process

• Insights into how professionals read the market

• Ongoing mentoring throughout the period of the competition by industry practitioners

• Profits, of up to £5,000, earned during the competition by each team will be donated to a UK registered charity of their choice

• The team with the best performance will receive an additional £5,000 donation to be made to their chosen UK registered charity

Why are we offering this?

Women are significantly under represented in the fund management industry, particularly in investment roles.  Consequently , we want to encourage and support women to learn more about asset management and actively consider it as an attractive career.

At Majedie Asset Management we recognise that part of our social responsibility is to nurture and support the next generation of entrants into our industry and we hope this competition will spark interest and engagement in the investment world amongst a diverse group of young women students.

What are we looking for?

• Teams of between two and four women undergraduates

• No prior experience in investing is expected or required, but a demonstrable interest and passion for learning the ropes is!

• Teams from any faculty or course at the University can apply. In our view, successful active equity investing is as much an art as it is a science

• Multiple teams per University can apply, but each individual is limited to applying in one team only

How to apply

Please form a team of between two and four women, choose a team name, and then answer four questions for us:

1) What three questions would you ask the CEO of Apple, and why?

2) With an increasing proportion of Millennials and Generation Z entering the workforce, what changes do you think this will have on the investment industry?

3) What do you believe is the single most important attribute / quality / skill in fund management and why?

4) With the low proportion of women currently in fund management, what can the industry do better to attract women in the future?

Feel free to answer these questions in whichever format you feel best highlights your thinking.

What are we looking for?

In the application please include profiles of each of the team members, limited to half an A4 page per person. Please also indicate your chosen UK registered charity.

Please send your application to by midnight on 31 October 2020. We will then draw up a short list of teams and arrange interviews. We will look to announce the teams by 31 December 2020. The competition will run from 1 January to 30 June 2021.