We are aware this is a difficult time to find and secure work experience. While access to work experience may be a priority for you, when considering if you
can undertake work experience, we urge you to think first and foremost about you and your family's safety, and ensure you comply with any rules and
restrictions relating to travel and work.

However, where it is safe and possible to do so, you may want to think creatively about gaining employability skills. In these uncertain times you might consider different sorts of work experience opportunities, be these remote working projects, volunteering, or casual ad hoc work. You may also wish to support the global response to this pandemic, by offering unpaid or voluntary services in your community or more globally.

Warwick Volunteers has a list of volunteering opportunities:
https://warwick.ac.uk/about/community/volunteers/volunteering/volunteerfromhome/#faq-9 that you may like to consider. Whilst this type of work experience might be different to what you had in mind it can still help you to develop many of the skills that employers value, including teamwork, communication, organisation and time management, giving a boost to your CV.