We are still here to support you with your career and are still offering services remotely to students and graduates. You can find out more and learn how to get support on our help and advice page warwick.ac.uk/services/careers/help/

Job Search Advice

Our team talk to you about searching for jobs interviews and work experience remotely via MS Teams or Skype.

Careers Guidance

Meet with a Senior Careers Consultant or Careers Project Officer remotely via MS Teams or Skype for an in depth discussion to help with your career planning and career choices.

Application Review

Our team can provide you with feedback on your CV, covering letters, job applications and personal statements. Please e-mail your document to careers@warwick.ac.uk together with details of the role/course (if applicable). This will be forwarded onto a member of the team who will aim to provide you with a response via e-mail within 5 working days.