We’re working hard to ensure you get the support and advice you need for your learning and skills development during this challenging period. We’ll be adapting some of our existing activities as well as introducing new ones. This is an ongoing process, so check your email often for more activities. Here’s what we have so far:

Online Learning and working remotely

See here for a collection of resources for learning online, beginning with short quick tips podcasts. More to come!

Skills advice appointments

Book an Undergraduate or Masters Skills advice Skype appointment here. We can also provide advice by email or Microsoft Teams. Email skills@warwick.ac.uk to set it up.

Academic Writing

Our existing Moodle courses are still available. The writing mentors will be offering writing advice online beginning in Term 3. In the meantime please email academicwriting@warwick.ac.uk or book a skills advice appointment for other advice.

Numerical Skills

For mathematical and numerical skills advice please join the Numerical Skills Mentors Team here . The mentors will be available online in Term 3

General Skills advice

Our Study Skills playlists on YouTube cover everything from critical thinking to note taking and making presentations

Help us help you

Please tell us the type activities that would be most helpful for you. You can email us at skills@warwick.ac.uk or tweet us @warwickskills